Grain showcase: Elmwood's Harrisburg walnut door

This Harrisburg door by Elmwood Kitchens is a fantastic example of how much Walnut can vary in grain color and pattern; it's this characteristic that many people love. The Java glaze on this inset door just serves to accent all the details of the door profiles. A range of grain patterns and varied colors appear on the same panel and adjacent door and drawer fronts will not match. These are natural characteristics and are not considered a defect, in fact, just the opposite.

Black Walnut is a plentiful species throughout the Eastern U.S. The beautiful grain and rich color made it popular for furniture, paddles, gunstocks and even coffins. The shells of the Black Walnut fruit contain natural dyes that stain anything they come in contact with, and were used by early American settlers to dye hair.

Black Walnut is in a class all its own, with a rich, smooth grain and deep color. A very durable hardwood, Black Walnut grain patterns range from straight to irregular and display a natural luster. Natural color variations range from dark chocolate to lighter browns and blond or white sapwood.  Truly one of our favorite woods for cabinets. 

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