Prepping Your Home For Vacation
Squeezing in a final vacation before summer ends? Make sure you have your home prepped and secured before you leave. You’ll want to deter unwanted intruders, plus be mindful of everyday home needs that will be neglected while you’re gone.
Be sure to empty perishable food items from your kitchen cabinets and refrigerator. The night before you leave, make sure to toss (or give away) any food that could spoil while you’re gone.
If you’re planning to be gone for more than a week or two, cover your upholstered furniture with sheets or tarps. This will decrease the amount of dust you’ll have to remove when you return home.
It’s a good idea to shut off your water valve: pressure can build up in your pipes, causing them to rupture after long periods of non-use. You should also unplug energy-sucking appliances like the TV, washer and dryer, microwave, and electric range.
Invest in a couple of light timers that will randomly turn some lamps on and off – or leave a light on, and ask a trusted friend to stop by every once in awhile to turn a different light on.
Finally, have a wonderful, happy, and healthy time away from the daily grind!