Open Door Cabinetry & Design

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Nursery updates to expect when you're expecting

Nurseries are no ordinary bedrooms. Rather, they're your baby epicenters, the massive control rooms from which everything having to do with your newborn is orchestrated. This is partly because all of your baby equipment is stored here, ready for use precisely when you need it. This means you'll need lots of storage, most of it cleverly utilizing your minimal space. Consider some of these suggestions to stay on top of it.

Cabinets, drawers and shelves
Perhaps the number one rule of having young children in a household is to be sure you're not just leaving things lying around. They don't have to be dangerous or fragile, but objects are great for tripping over. Make sure to have plenty of closet room andcustom cabinetry for storage. Also, use elevated shelves for smaller items that might become choking hazards.

Not only do you want to avoid clutter, but you want to stay organized. Keeping things in their allotted spots will help you find what you need at a moment's notice - and with a kid, everything feels like it's needed at exactly a moment's notice!

Avoid sharp corners
Whatever you put in the nursery, from crib to custom cabinetry, be sure that there aren't any unnecessarily sharp corners waiting to be walked into.